交付 加州的未来 遏制劳动力

数学的使命, 工程, Science Achievement (MESA) program is to provide educationally and economically disadvantaged students opportunities to engage with these fields in ways that inspire them and to support our students in their higher education and career goals. 

The statewide California MESA program was started in 1970 and has since grown to a number of other states. 通过他们的19个6 -12年级课程, 40 community college programs and 13 university-level programs (including Pacific MEP) MESA serves more than 25,每年有1000名得不到充分服务的学生.

The 6th through 12th grade MESA学校计划 engages student interest in STEM primarily through 项目-based team competitions and events, field trips, and short courses. MESA teams are based at school sites and are guided by a teacher that serves as the MESA Advisor. MESA students meet together at least once a week either as a club, after school program or daily elective to work together on their 项目s and other activities. The biggest event of the year is 太平洋梅萨日, which usually takes place in early March. This event brings approximately 650 students to Pacific to participate in a number of different competitions including gliders, 桥梁, 义肢等.

  • College preparation including college tours, panels and activities
  • 个人学术规划支持
  • 参与行业活动和战略规划
  • University engagement with students through faculty, staff and students
  • Mentorship through Pacific college student liaisons that visit each MESA classroom every other week
  • 教师专业发展
  • 学生领导能力训练
  • Networks of parents, educators, industry leaders and community resources to support students

California leads the nation in science and 技术 advances, but we are not preparing enough new young professionals to fill these positions. This creates a great opportunity for our students to pursue successful careers in these fields. Students graduating with 4-year college degrees in science, 技术, engineering and math-based fields have an average mid-career yearly salary more than double those of high school graduates. MESA succeeds in retaining and building STEM career interests among middle and high school students through our programs.  84% of all our Pacific MESA students who stated a career interest, 表示希望在STEM领域工作.

Our MESA programs also aim to motivate and prepare students to continue on to institutions of higher learning. In 2019 91% of this year's MESA School program graduates will be going on to a higher education institution next year.

MESA participation also opens student up to scholarship possibilities, 比如太平洋MESA奖学金, and improves student's chances of acceptance to 4-year universities. These selective institutions view MESA participation as a testament to a student's ability to work with a team and overcome hardships, 这两种技能都是高等教育的关键技能. 

The Pacific MESA学校计划 started in 1994 and now works with approximately 1200 6th-12th grade students and 30 teachers from among 20-25 of the highest-needs schools in Stockton in both Stockton and Lodi School Districts. 加上国家财政支持, these school districts partner with MESA to provide financial and logistical support to make MESA possible. 

MESA项目为不同的学生群体提供服务. The demographics within our MESA学校计划 is comprised of 37.9%的西班牙裔学生,21%.6%亚洲,10.6%菲律宾人,7%非洲裔美国人,4.6%是东印度/巴基斯坦,剩下的17%.8%是种族混合, 白色,  美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加原住民, 以及那些拒绝说出自己种族的人.  Approximately 35% of MESA students' primary language is a language other than English. 

MESA目前在21所初中和高中开展业务. 每个学校的MESA分会的工作方式略有不同. 有些人每天见面,有些人一周才见面一次. Each chapter has one or two advising teachers and a student leadership committee. Each chapter is also assigned a specific Pacific MESA liaison each semester, who meets with their chapter every other week and helps them with their 项目s. MESA chapters compete in local events and activities through the local program at 正规博彩十大网站 and have school site chapter events as well.   If you would like particular information about a given MESA chapter, 请点击下面的学校链接. If you'd like to join a MESA chapter at your school, contact the student leaders or the advisor. 

布什小学 三角洲塞拉中学 梅洛高中 中学HS 史塔哥HS
查韦斯高中 爱迪生HS  克里斯塔·麦考利夫中学 门罗学院 斯托克顿早期学院
克利夫兰学校 范布伦小学 麦金利学校 皮特曼学校 泰勒小学
斯托克顿准将技能学校 洛蒂·格伦斯基小学 麦克奈尔高中 里约卡拉维拉斯学校 华盛顿小学


If you are part of Stockton or Lodi Unified school district and your school is not listed, but you'd like to start a MESA Chapter at your school please email the MESA director, 伊莱, at epeachfine@birmir.net. Each MESA Chapter should have at least 25 students by the October 31st enrollment deadline.  

The main local events this year are:  MESA Leadership Academy, 科学的碗, 太平洋梅萨日, 春天的挑战. 可以访问最新的太平洋MESA日规则 在这里.

Pacific MESA also compiles student enrichment and scholarship opportunities, 哪些可以通过你的 学生领导梅萨大道

Each MESA chapter is led by between one and three MESA advisors. Each advisor is a current teacher and acts as a liaison between the Pacific MESA program and their students. 辅导员以不同的方式与学生互动, 但他们总是能激发领导力, 创造力和探索能力. Starting in 2019 advisors will also be supported by a Pacific student MESA employee, 谁能为他们提供物资支持, 信息和课堂支持. All resources for current MESA Advisors including upcoming deadlines, 材料订购表格, meeting summaries and PowerPoints can be found at the MESA Advisor Google Site. All updated versions of the MESA day competition rules can be found 在这里. They can also be 搜索ed through the Statewide MESA Website, 其中包含顾问的额外资源.